Beyond the terrible twos, in my opinion is the terrific three-year old. Inquisitive, alert, bright, fun-loving, gullible...it's all there! A three year old child is like a lump of clay. You can mold it anyway you want to. Tell a three year old that if they stick their finger in a bowl of water a magic fish will appear and SWISH, in goes the finger! Then down goes the head to take a look see. "Where is the fish?" is the immediate reply from the inquisitive one. As a children's portrait photographer, we sometimes have to use a bit of subterfuge to capture that golden moment. High-key photography (all white background) is popular with parents because it illustrates so well the purity and innocence of the child. I love it! And yes, through the magic of Photoshop, the fish does indeed appear, albeit not in the eye of the child at the expected moment, but in the finished photograph that will soon be hanging framed on a famly room wall or standing on an easel on the fireplace mantel. Family portraits are priceless, especially those that capture our innocence.
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