I met Hamilton and his dad at the Crown & Goose Restaurant in the Old City area of Knoxville to take his High School Senior pictures. Hamilton is a family friend so I already knew a little bit about him. He attends Temple Academy which is a private Christian School in Knoxville, affiliated with Temple Baptist Church and Crown College. I say all that because he comes from a fine family. He's one of the young men we don't read about in the newspaper. He makes good choices.
I also knew Hamilton is into music so I suggested he bring his guitar. One of my goals in taking HS Senior pictures is to bring out the personality of the person I'm photographing. I also like to have some fun as we go through different poses and utilize the variety of scenic areas in the Old City. I think we accomplished our mission. He has a fun personality and I try to be the same way. I often say I'm still 17 myself. Kind of like Peter Pan....I'll never grow up!

I'll let Hamilton take it from here. These are posts from his Facebook profile where friends had seen the preview: "Aight! I want you to go to the same guy I went to! He did a good job! Ambler Brown is his name." Hamilton and I exchanged some comments on Facebook as well and his final remark was "Thanks! I think you did a fantastic job!"